
A walking and mapping project of my everyday. A navigation of shifting space, meaning, and self.

September 11

Smoke Filled.

A walk bounded by roof top perimeter and smoked filled horizon found determination.

September 11, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 11, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

sept walks_2020_02_Sept 11.jpg

September 10

A Brilliant Cloudy View.

A walk where no matter how dark, distant, or blurred the world became brilliant light and colors shown through to aid navigation.

September 10, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 10, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 9


A walk along the waterfront for the past 7+ years has been one of intense transformation and erasure. The next iteration of waterfront is slowly emerging as final surfaces begin to open.

Old moments are seen in new light. Mental images connect the dots. The removal of one layer adds another.

Perpetual urban and architectural design questions continue to be answered. A constructed space which leaves for us to answer the critical social questions seen in the sharp glare of a light that illuminates stark contrast and a struggle ahead.

September 9, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 9, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 8


A fall approaches. The cycle of transformation and flow is present.


A smoke roles in from distant fire to obscure the middle ground. Lines trace across the water to reveal the salmon return. Ships align to a tide approaching the shore to await the tide of grain leaving the continent.


Stellar light reflects off water of such clarity to produce needed stability within a lives eternal flows.

September 8, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 8, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 6


Connection. Exploration. History. Care. Ancestry.

My expanded world – residing at the threshold to the world beyond.

September 6, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 6, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale


September 5

The Strength to Hold the World.

Weeks when all the wheels come off it is often best to leave them on the ground look to strengths and continue on. A walk to see the possible in yourself and the world around you. The wheels will be there upon your return. Relish in the the world at hand and the gathering of support that elevates the earth to new levels. The strength to hold up the world is not a solitary task and one filled with beauty.

September 5, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 5, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 4

Bird on a Wire.

A walk revealed a linear geometry defined by life. Lines established. Lines expanded. Lines extending to make space to inhabit and breathe.

September 4, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 4, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 3


An immediate surround filled with life.

September 3, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 3, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale


September 2

Urban Text - Required Reading

“If I could do one thing over, it would be the last time we spoke. Not because it was bad. Because I really liked it.”

September 2, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 2, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 1

A walk to start again. A search for bedrock is not necessary a means to fix a position but establish strength to achieve new movements and growth.

Digging Down to Build Up

September 1, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

September 1, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale

June 13

A walk to reflect and make space for self care witnessed a cleansing and vibrant flow of water. A nourishing and resonant movement which at times overwhelms but also holds the capacity to heal.

Touching Water - Everlasting Strength.

June 13, 2020  |  red represents the days walk  |  not to scale

June 13, 2020 | red represents the days walk | not to scale


May 31

A month of walking ends under curfew.


Walking for Change.

Walking for Justice.

Walking Together.

Walking to Breathe.

Walking to Live.

may walks_2020_02_May 31.jpg

May 30

The rain fell | We walked

The rain fell | Voices clear

The rain fell | Heads high

The rain fell | We rise

No Justice | No Peace

May 30, 2020  |  the days walk represented in red  |  not to scale

May 30, 2020 | the days walk represented in red | not to scale


May 28

Full Circle

A walk that continued to extend. Another step. Another block. I will turn back soon. Another block. Another step. A walk that started with an emerging pattern of old and new. A walk that ended 7 hours later exhausted and reconnected to the fact that we must never turn back. We must continue to step forward toward justice, the right to this city for all, racial and social equity, and a perspective of deep care for others. It is available in the beauty and people around us if we care to fight for it. The long walk continues.

May 28, 2020  |  the days walk is represented in red  |  not to scale

May 28, 2020 | the days walk is represented in red | not to scale


May 27

To rise we must mobilize. To build we must care. To establish a pattern beyond confined momentum we must step forward…

May 27  |  the days walk represented in red  |  not to scale

May 27 | the days walk represented in red | not to scale


May 26

A walk that originated with me tuned to the sounds of the city shifted to one focused on light and color.

may walks_2020_02_May 26.jpg

May 24

A beautiful convergence of calm and energy along a small Puget Sound tidal flat. Striving to explore, converse, eat, and make attempts to understand the meaning of this ever changing tide and world around us.

May 24, 2020  |  the days walk represented in red  |  not to scale

May 24, 2020 | the days walk represented in red | not to scale
