
A walking and mapping project of my everyday. A navigation of shifting space, meaning, and self.

Mappings | Two Months Walking the Everyday

2020 unfolded spaces which I did not expect to navigate.

Setting forth, around every turn, there seemed to be a new question. The questions asked reached deep into my spirit and challenged the full spectrum of my being. Clear and sharp questions pertaining to health, justice, rights, care, and existence flooded the city and my everyday. Questions long neglected or considered too distant arrived rapidly into my foreground. They demanded a response regardless if I felt ready or even capable of taking a next step.

Stepping forth, I came to focus on one step at a time as a way to ultimately move the required great distance. Part of my process to comprehend the world being formed and to answer these questions was to be present within myself and a very fluid city by walking - everyday.


Emerging from the tight spring lock down, I walked May as a way to see what city and life now existed beyond my apartment walls. A breathing in.

As fall approached the city and life came in to a new energy. An energy formed through repeated shifts. Repeated moments of pressure and resistance. Repeated moments to start again. Six months of voids, opportunities, closures, or achievements forming and reforming under my feet, under the city flowed like water - out of reach.


Exploring an undulating city, I walked September to gain a better understanding of the new. A city forged over the past months to urgently take up questions of race, health, equity, and the environment. What place exists for me to inhabit? What is my place in this habitat?

These walks make no claim to a ground that is solid or fully resolved. In fact, to truly answer the questions asked, the ground may need to flow again. These walks are an opening for me to join with others to continue. A reassuring step forward that within this place I call home - I am not alone.

Below are the mappings of these walks.

Explore the full _walking series of posts to see the daily images and mappings compiled to become a month long narrative of my everyday.

A deeper understanding of my walking practice can be found in the _footnotes Why I walk Series.

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